UI shell header
Note: The UI Shell does not currently use the Carbon theme tokens; theming options for the shell will be available in the future. All color used in the UI Shell is from the IBM Design Langauge palette.
Class | Property | Color value |
.bx--header | background color | Gray 100 |
.bx--header | border-bottom | Gray 80 |
.bx--header__name | text color | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__menu-trigger | fill | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__nav::before | border | Gray 80 |

Class | Property | Color value |
.bx--header__menu-trigger | fill | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__menu-trigger:hover | background color | Gray 100-hover |
.bx--header__menu-trigger:focus | border | White |
.bx--header__menu-trigger:active | background color | Gray 80 |

Menu-trigger interactive states
Class | Property | Color value |
.bx--header__menu-item | text color | Gray 30 |
.bx--header__menu-item | svg | Gray 30 |
.bx--header__menu-item:hover | background color | Gray 100-hover |
.bx--header__menu-item:hover | text color | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__menu-item:hover | svg | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__menu-item:focus | border | White |
.bx--header__menu-item:active | background color | Gray 80 |
.bx--header__menu-item:active | text color | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__menu-item:active | svg | Gray 10 |

Sub-menu interactive states
Class | Property | Color value |
.bx--header__submenu | background color | Gray 90 |
.bx--header__submenu | text color | Gray 30 |
.bx--header__submenu:hover | background color | Gray 90-hover |
.bx--header__submenu:hover | text color | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__submenu:focus | border | White |
.bx--header__submenu:active | background color | Gray 70 |
.bx--header__submenu:active | text color | Gray 10 |

Class | Property | Color value |
.bx--header__action | fill | Gray 30 |
.bx--header__action:hover | background color | Gray 100-hover |
.bx--header__action:hover | fill | Gray 10 |
.bx--header__action:focus | border | White |
.bx--header__action:active | background color | Gray 80 |
.bx--header__action:active | fill | Gray 10 |

Header action interactive states
Menu labels and text should be set in sentence case.
Class | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
.bx--header__name | 14 / 0.875 | SemiBold / 600 | $heading-01 |
.bx--header__name--prefix | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-short-01 |
.bx--header__menu-item | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-short-01 |
The header should span the full width of the browser window. The header can either stay sticky to the top of the browser or scroll away.
Class | Property | px/rem | Spacing token |
.bx--header | height | 48 / 3 | – |
.bx--header__menu-trigger | height, width | 48 / 3 | – |
.bx--header__name | padding-left | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--header__name | padding-right | 32 / 2 | $spacing-07 |
.bx--header__nav | padding-left | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--header__menu-item | padding-left, padding right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--header__menu-arrow | padding-left | 8 / 0.5 | $spacing-03 |
.bx--header__submenu | padding-left, padding right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--header__action | height, width | 48 / 3 | – |

Structure and spacing measurements for UI shell header | px | rem

Structure and spacing measurements for header submenu | px | rem
Responsive behavior
In smaller broswer windows, menu items
in the header should collapse into the left side nav menu. Items that were once in the header should stack at the top of the side nav panel if other items were already present in the panel.

Responsive behavior for UI shell header